Product Marketing


Traction Planning

"Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true."
Lester R. Bittel
The Nine Master Keys of Management

The Traction Plan describes the current business, market drivers, traction metrics, market segmentation, and the steps to achieving market traction. It is a working document and intelligence about the buyers, sales experiences, competition, and results inform the plan's evolution.

Evidence of traction is defined and captured in the Traction Plan.


Positioning and Messaging

Powerful company and product messages set you apart from competition and paint a crystal clear picture of who you are for your customers, analysts, press, and employees.

Moreland gathers input from your team to crafts clear statements for your key audiences. Successful marketing and sales initiatives start with positioning and messaging development or refinement.

Market Segments

It's easier to hit a target with a machine gun than a rifle, right? There's a problem with that though ... using the machine gun approach means you need A LOT of bullets!

We believe that specific attention should be paid to selecting one or two well defined target segments to focus expensive sales resources. Moreland will guide you in defining the one or two market segments to pursue first. 


Pricing and Packaging

Pricing and packaging tailored to the target market segment will support and shorten the sales cycle. A good pricing model makes it easy for the customer to buy.

Product packaging that reflects the specific needs of the target segment sends a strong signal you understand their business needs and are committed to addressing them.

Inexpensive and subtle tailoring of product pricing and packaging to a market segment can yield dramatic results.

Marketing Planning

Marketing plans structure the timeline of events and deliverables from pre-launch, launch, and post-launch.

The communication plan – a subset of the marketing plan – maps the message(s) and timing to each critical audience in a marketing program.

Moreland can provide marketing and communications planning services and project management services to ensure the smooth execution of the plans.

Competitive Analysis

To win you must be prepared, and to be prepared means knowing who you're competing against. More important than that, is that your customers know how you differ from the field of competition. Competitive analysis provides the knowledge you need to be prepared and to differentiate your company and products from the field.

Moreland provides competitive analysis services as an integral part of the Traction Plan.

Product Life Cycle

It can be difficult for young technology companies to allocate the resources to implement company-wide processes like a Product Life Cycle (PLC). Essential to supporting the company's growth, by nature they're not urgent. Moreland can work with your team to tailor a PLC for your business with minimum disruption to internal resources.

Other product management processes like Product Enhancement Request (PER) and Product Change Notification (PCN) processes can also be designed, project managed, and implemented.

Sales and Marketing Tools

Building market traction requires tools. Sales and marketing materials are essential, everyday tools for the sales and marketing team.

From collateral to websites to presentations, Moreland's team develops and produces sales and marketing tools of all kinds to support specific stages of the Traction Plan.

Launch Planning 

Moreland works with your team to develop and execute a launch plan that ensures the programs and resources needed are delivered on time and within budget.

A well planned and well coordinated launch maximizes impact at a minimum cost.